Friday, May 20, 2011

The Kiss, by Emma Shortt

A fellow Evernight author, Emma Shortt, has a new release out. So today, Emma’s stopped at my blog to talk about her new romance story. Without further ado, I turn the floor over to Emma.

A kiss is just a kiss…

But it’s not. It’s so much more than that. A kiss can be a beginning, it can be an end, or it can be the inspiration for any number of artistic works.

Last year one of those works in particular captivated me. Antonio Canova’s statue of Cupid reviving Psyche with, what else, but a kiss.

I spent hours plotting how to steal the statue but unfortunately the Louvre has really, really good security. So I went home and thought instead about how I could capture such an image in a story. Before long it came to me and The Kiss was born.

The Kiss, a supernatural romance, tells the story of love locked in stone and whilst writing this story Canova’s image haunted me. I wrote feverishly to the end where the image blossomed and came alive just as I imagined.

The story is my own little kiss to Canova’s genius. I hope that he would, and you will, enjoy.