Friday, January 18, 2013

Guest Author: Tory Michaels

Hello and please welcome author Tory Micheals where she will be talking about her newest book.

AR: Tell me about this series? 

TM: The Dream-Walker War takes place on an alternate Earth where the supernatural types came out of the closet in 1929, just after the markets crashed. They’ve been integrated into society in the years since. The series kicked off with Blood Rage, where the vampires have been keeping a series of murders around the globe secret. That all blows up in their faces when the Aristocrats (a terrorist organization led by, it’s discovered, a shadowy figure calling himself Ares – the titular Dream-Walker) launch a full-fledged night of terror across the globe, resulting in hundreds of bodies showing up, along with retaliatory attacks between the various paranormal species.

Taking place during the same time frame as Blood Rage (which features the romance of Dara and Anthony), Blood-Mage Rising follows Christine and Jordan as they try to find those behind the murders, quickly focusing in on the hunt for Ares. At the end of Rising, not only is Ares’s true identity revealed (to the reader), but his ultimate goal is as well: bringing Atlantis back to our world. Prophecy continues with Jordan and Chris closing in on Ares as they desperately try to stop him from bringing the island back (as it seems the Atlanteans are not exactly the nicest people around).

AR: Who is your heroine and what are some of the conflicts she faces?

TM: Christine Javert ("Chris" or "Chrissy" depending on who you talk to) deals with some pretty steep challenges in Prophecy. Not only does she discover her parents aren't who she always thought they were, she has to deal with the fact that she's falling/fallen in love with a genuine sociopath who's done some pretty nasty things in his past.

AR: Who is the hero and what conflicts does he face? 

TM: Jordan MacNaught is the sociopath referred to in #2 above. He has no conscience and no guilt over what he's done in the past. However, the challenge he finds himself facing (on top of trying to stop series bad-guy Ares) is that for the first time in his 1000+ years of existence of despising women in all forms, he's falling in love with Chris. Add in his parentage wasn't what he thought either, and you've got a couple of really confused and stressed people.

AR: Where did you get the idea for this story or series? Who or what was your inspiration?

TM: This series all started from an old series of role-playing I did on Prodigy Classic in their chatrooms. Dara was my main character back then, and I had a friend who played Anthony, but not the Anthony as he turned out in Blood Rage. No, Anthony back then was as mean and evil and sick a bastard as could be. Unfortunately, mean/sick/twisted bastards can’t be romance heroes (hah! I later proved that wrong by making a villainous hero out of Jordan) and he got a makeover. Jordan developed at the same time but didn’t undergo quite as massive a personality change. I got to keep him a sociopath; I just found a way to make him more palatable (thanks to a beta reader who encouraged me to let him have a romance when he started making serious eyes at Chris in an early version of what became Blood-Mage Rising).

AR: As a reader, what kind of books do you like to read?

TM: My favorite books to read are historical romances and paranormal romance/urban fantasy. I like futuristic stuff too, but I haven't found as much/read as much as I'd like.

The Dream-Walker War: Book 3
One hundred ninety-eight seasons after the mushroom-shaped clouds first blossom to poison the humans of the Rising Sun, near the beginning of the Season of Inundation, Atlantis will return.
With those words ringing in their ears, vampires Christine Javert and Jordan MacNaught find themselves in a race against time to stop the return of Atlantis. As they hunt for the deadly Ares, they discover his plots to incite a world-wide species war are in fact diversion from his far more sinister plans for the humans.
Be Warned: light bondage

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